Here's Step #1: In your VERY spare leisure time, create a special form in the Cuisine Section with a Link/Banner/Blurb on the main page (and sprinkle links for the form to the main subsection title pages), inviting visitors to submit recipes that fall into these categories, with these requirements: ONLY These Food Catagories: (You can make them Check Boxes) Creole Cajun Louisiana Seafood French Recipes must be ORIGINAL, but may be based on "standard" recipes (e.g. who can copyright a basic Roux, for instance?) and CERTIFIED as such - A statement MUST assert that Gateway is NOT responsible for the copyrighted status of any submitted recipe, that it is the sole responsibility of the poster to affirm this, and that Gateway will REMOVE ALL submissions found to be copyrighted. I'm secretly hoping a lot of wanna-be's will steal recipes and post them here anyway. They must sumbit their name and E-mail address, but can choose to not have that info posted (another check box I guess). Can this be automated? I don't know if Flexmail will allow you to parse the reply to the extent that if a certain box is checked, a certain field will not be posted to the "reply" form, but WILL be sent to us. This may have to be done manually. I am hoping we can have the results automatically posted like a Guestbook or Newsgroup. If you feel like it, if the Seafood Category box is checked, results can be posted to ONLY the Seafood Form Reply (one for each category or one master list - whichever is more convenient). Visitors MUST affirm (check box?) that by submitting a recipe to Gateway that Gateway has the right to the use of the submitted recipe - such as publishing it on Gateway and that, hence, it is in the Public Domain. Now comes the really HARD PART for you: We will need to have this submission process run at LEAST 3-6 months or until we get about 350+ recipe submissions from which we can cull the best. This also has the HUGE LEGAL BENEFIT of having submitted recipes endure scrutiny by thousands of individuals who can serve as a watchdog for KNOWN copyrighted material, and will alert us to such, permitting us to NOT use it and risk legal jeopardy when we come out with the "cookbook". That's it for now. Feel free to add to the submission form whatever else you think should go there. Oh yeah: Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will any wording suggest we may be doing anything with these submissions beyond listing them on Gateway. In fact, I'd keep this aspect ultrasecret from everyone. Also, if it looks like we aren't going to get a lot of submissions after a month or two, we can kill this PRIVATE aspect and move on to some other enterprising scheme.