Irish Whole Wheat Soda Bread
	3 c flour, whole wheat
	1 c flour, all purpose
	1 tb salt
	1 ts baking soda
	3/4 ts baking powder
	1-1/2 c buttermilk, yogurt, or milk soured with lemon juice
	Combine the dry ingredients and mix thouroughly to distribute the soda and
	baking powder, then add enough buttermilk to make a soft dough but firm
	enough to hold its shape. Knead on a lightly floured board for 2 or 3
	minutes, until quite smooth and velvety. Form into a round loaf and place
	in a well buttered 8 inch cake pan or on a well buttered cookie sheet. Cut
	a cross on the top of the loaf with a very sharp floured knife. 
	Bake in a preheated 375F oven for 35-40 minutes, or until the loaf is nicely 
	browned and sounds hollow when rapped with the knuckles. (The cross will have
	spread open which is characteristic of soda bread.) 

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