Flour Tortillas 
	4 cups        Unbleached all purpose flour
	2 teaspoons   Salt
	4 teaspoons   Baking powder
	2 tablespoons Vegetable shortening
	1 1/2 cups    Warm water or more if needed
	In a large bowl, stir together the flour, salt and baking powder.
	With a pastry blender, a fork or your hands, gradually work in
	the lard or shortening until it is all incorporated. Add enough
	warm water to make a soft but not sticky dough. Turn out onto
	a lightly floured board and knead for 5 minutes.
	Divide the dough into 1/4 cup (3 oz) portions and form them into
	Roll each ball into a flat round about 6 inches in diameter and
	1/8 inches thick.
	Heat a large heavy skillet over medium high heat. Place the tortillas
	one at a time into the dry hot skillet; cook until brown on one
	side, then turn and brown the other side.
	Remove from the skillet and keep warm in cloth towel.

	Print This Recipe


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