Simple, Easy, and Hearty Vegetarian Chile
	Serves four.  Or more if you have lots of bread and salad.
	One can (16 oz.) corn
	One can (16 oz.) beans  (type?  Pick one.)
	16 oz. or so of tomatoes, canned, chopped fresh, or store bought
	8 oz.  can tomatoe sauce
	1/4 to 1/2 cup Cajun Sunshine (or your current chile pepper/hot stuff
	               ingredients, according to taste)
	5 tbs.  Heinz Chile Sauce
	1/2 tsp curry powder
	1  tbs  prepared mustard (powder)
	1/4 to 1/3 cup sour cream
	Drain corn and beans, add to tomatoes in a deep skillet.  (My favorite
	chile pan is a black cast iron unit about 2 1/2 inches deep).  Put at
	medium heat.  While mixture warms, add tomatoe sauce, Cajun Sunshine,
	chile sauce, curry powder, mustard, and 8 oz. water (or so, until the
	mixture has just enough liquid to cook, but not to much!).  After coming
	just to boil, let simmer on Low heat for 45-55 minutes or until beans
	are tender.  Keep heating to reduce mixture until it reaches "good
	chile viscosity."  Add water if necessary.  Add sour cream and continue
	heat for 10 or so minutes more or until the mix is warm.
	Serve with good bread and greens...
	Ingredients for this excellent vegetarian chile are variable,
	depending on what is available, what crops are season, and how hot
	the cook decides to make the dish.  The recipe uses canned corn,
	beans, and tomatoes, but fresh produce is all ways preferred when
	available.  Of course dry beans need a good water soak before being
	used to prepare the chile.  We've tried several hot sauces, and most
	are good, but I just prefer the Cajun Sunshine, or if fresh chiles are
	avalable, use them.  The amount of 'hot ingredient' is of course
	to be determined by the cook.

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